heritage of egypt Headline Animator

Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Temple of "Abu Simbel" part 1

The Temple of "Abu Simbel"
is the world's greatest temple carved in the rock , is a remarkable thing in the ancient architecture and engineering. it was carved in a piece of rock on the western bank of the Nile in a place so charming .It is hard to depict why there are such huge buildings in a distant area in the country
thus there are  two explanations: either the hill of "Abu Simbel" sanctity, or that Pharaoh wanted to impress for his neighbors in an area near him his  strength and richness.
There are evidences that the origin of the theme in the construction of a temple "Abu Simbel" date back too "Seti 1"  and there is no doubt that a large part from inside it  had been carved before the "Ramses II" assume the throne,
the  prisoners of war who built the temple and finished their work before the year 1259 BC. and that was  devoted to the worship of "Ra hor ma khees," such as several temples in "Nubia". And this God had consolidated with the sun the purpose of the temple and place is the worship for the sun.one of The most significant features of the temple  the fourth huge statues of the king which were carved in the rock of the hill. , two on each side of the entrance rises more than 65 feet and represent King "Ramses" wearing the double crown of Egypt, and on every statue and between the legs, we find statues of Queen "Nefertari "so beautiful  so beautiful" and some royalist children.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

the temple of "abu simbel" part 2

The phenomenon of perpendicular rays of the sun on the temple of "Abu Simbel",
The most important feature of this temple that makes it distinct from the other temples of the ancient Egyptians entering the sun in the early morning to the "Holy of Holies" and access to the fourth statues, illuminate this deep place in the rock which is far from the entrance about sixty meters. In 1874 the explorer Miss "Amelia Eduarz" and her team in overseeing this phenomenon and recorded in her book published in 1899 titled (thousand miles above the Nile) to show towards all the word how precisely the ancient Egyptians were when they counted this process too exact "The phenomenon of perpendicular rays of the sun on the temple of Abu Simbel "
In 6:25 on 21 February or 5:55 on October 21, exactly a year the sun rays sneak softly over the face of King "Ramses\\" as if wants to embrace and kiss the king.

Citadel of Salah El Din (part 1 )

 Citadel of Salah El Din in Cairo
Citadel of Salah al-Din is situated in the district of "Castle" it has been built on one of the hills that's separate from the cliffs on the outskirts of the city of Cairo.
The Citadel of Salah El-Din in Cairo is considered one of the most luxurious castles was constructed in the Middle Ages its location  is  strategic on the first-class as it provided  the incredible defense, because it controls the cities of Cairo and "Fustat", in addition to that it is a highly natural fence between the two cities .the citadel  could provide connectivity between the castle and the city in a state of siege plus it will become the last home of the sit-in in the case if the city fell to the enemy.
many, many historical events passed on this city which saw historic events during different times "Ayyubid", "Mamalek" and the time of the French campaign on Egypt in the year 1798, reaching to "Muhammad Ali Pasha" who  ruled Egypt where he had restored  its prosperity and greatness.
"Salah el-Din"  was the first one who thought  of building a castle in 1176, where his  minister "Baha el Din" destroyed mosques and tombs, which were existing  in order to build the castle, there the workers carved the rocks

Mosque of Muhammad Ali Pasha

Mosque of Muhammad Ali Pasha
 is The most famous landmarks Citadel of "Salad El Den", it is narrated on "Muhammad Ali Pasha", after the completion of building palaces and schools, , built the Grand Mosque to pray and to be his grave where he buries after death, and began working at the mosque in 1830.
Work continued there until the death of "Muhammad Ali Pasha" in 1848 where he was buried "Abbas Pasha "completed its construction.
Unique mosque of "Mohamed Ali Pasha", lots of the features and technical architecture.

Monday, October 11, 2010

ما هي اكثر الاماكن التي يقصدها السياح في مص

الاهرامات وابو الهول بالجيزهمسجد السلطان حسنشرم الشيخالغردقهراس محمدمرسي مطروحالاقصر ((تحوى ثلث آثار العالم))اسوان((طبعا لا يكفيك اسبوع ولا اسبوعين لمشاهده كل آثار الأقصر اسوان))هرم سقاره في البدرشينالمتحف المصريخان الخليليالحسينالقريه الفرعونيهجزيره فيلهقصر المجوهراتالمتحف القبطيمتحف الشمع بحلوانقلعه قايتباي باسكندريهقصر محمد علىمتحف الأسكندرية القوميالمتحف اليوناني الرومانيمتحف المجوهرات الملكيةدار أوبرا الأسكندريةمتحف الفنون الجميلةمتحف محمود سعيد معهد الأحياء المائية بالأسكندريةمكتبة الإسكندريةالمسرح الرومانيمرسي علمدهبحفائر كوم الشقافةالجونهخليج نعمهالأزهر الشريفمسجد السيده زينبجامع بن طولوندير سانت كاترينجبل موسيعيون موسيعيون حلوانمسجد محمد علىمدينه القيصرمسجد بيبرس بالقاهره

Sunday, October 10, 2010

valley of the Kings and Queens tombs

valley of the Kings and Queens tombs:
they were carved inside the rocks based on command the kings and queens of the modern state to be safe from thieves .. It consists of several rooms and tunnels that reach the burial chamber,
The most important of these tombs.

  a- Tomb of Ramses III
  b- Tomb of Tutankhamun
  c-Tomb of Ramses VI
  d- Mcypr Amenhotep II
  e- Tomb of Seti I
  f- Tomb of Thutmose III
  g- Tomb of Horemheb
  the most important tombs of the valley of queens
   - tomb of queen (nefertari) wife of
Ramses II

Aswan City

Aswan City:
The city of Aswan is considered globally one of the most beautiful winter resorts and includes several historic monuments remarkably the temples of (Abu Simbel)and the two temples were built by (Ramses II) one of the most famous pharaohs of Egypt between 1223 B.C and 1290 A.D.
The two temples are the most important for (Nubia) The two temples of architectural wonders have been fully carved inside the mountain and were named as follows:
1- the grand (Abu Simbel) temple has been earmarked for the worship of the god (Ra) the sun god (Hor Acht) bright.
2-Temple of the Abu Simbel Subordinate:
it was Built by (Ramses II )to commemorate his beloved wife (Nefertari) and the  temple distinguishes with the beauty of his drawings, colors, and is called the Temple of the goddess of love music and beauty.

Luxor Museum

Luxor Museum:
it's situated between the Karnak and the temples of Luxor the museum includes collections of ancient Egyptian monuments that were found in the city of Luxor and the surrounding areas.
 Luxor Museum

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


corniche of Alexandria

Alexandria is considered the second largest city in Egypt, which is too similar to the cities of the Mediterranean its cultural heritage and atmosphere make it diverse from the rest of the country, although it is from Cairo only 225 km

"The Great Alexander "  found it in 331 BC. it became capital of Egypt Greek Romanian, it has got  a terrific cultural position .the symbol of  "Pharos" beacon , this  beacon is legendary which was one of the Seven Wonders .Alexandria was the scene of a prominent love story between the "Cleopatra and Mark Antony," it was also  the center of science and knowledge in the ancient world.

But ancient Alexandria dropped and dropped after that, due to (Napoleon coming), he found it as a small populated fishing village. With the beginning of the nineteenth century Alexandria played a new turn as a center for the expansion of Egypt's commercial and maritime, it was immortalized in some books and was settled by generations of immigrants from Greece, Italy and the east and made it a global center for trade and  culture, was described " "Lawrence Durrell "as" the capital city of (European Asia) "and today the implications of each of those previous ages are still remaining.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Abu el hagag mosque

Abu el hagag mosque
Abu el hagag mosque:
it's situated in the north east where is now Abu el hagag mosque rest of the parts of the temple that was built by (Amenhotep III).it begins with hall has huge columns of four peel column that is divided into two rows and get then to the large courtyard open and surrounded by three sides by two rows of columns,and then get to the colonnade and a 32 column - advanced inside the temple to get to the room of the holy boat .the Great Alexander managed to build a small cabin bears his name in the compartment of (Amenhotep III). lastly we come to the Holy of Holies, where the holy statue room with four columns.

luxor temple

luxor temple
luxor palace:
that temple belongs to the god (Amon-Re) who was celebrating his wedding day with his wife (mout). every year the procession of the God(amon-Re) moves from the Temple of Karnak through path of the Nile to Luxor Temple. the temple was built by two pharaohs (Amenhotep III )and (Ramses II) . the entrance of the temple begins with edifice that was built by (Ramses II) and has two massive statues they represented him as sitting. The temple is preceded by two obelisks. one obelisk still stands, and other adorn the square (el Concorde) in Paris, following this edifice courtyard of (Ramses II ) that is surrounding on three sides by two rows of columns in the form of supported package papyrus

introduction ( part 2)

Luxor has a unique aspect makes it much distinguished than other parts over the world, when you take around in it you actually feel that  this city combines between the past and present at one time.every area in luxor city witnesses the greatness of the ancient Egyptians since thousands of years B.C.it remained the place of power between 2100 to 750 B.C and  here we know the secret of the desire that any visitor feels towards this immortal city on the banks of the Nile. 
On the east bank of the Nile there is,
 - Luxor Temple.
 - Karnak Temple. 
 - Luxor Museum on the West Bank of the Nile statue of "Memnon".
 - Valley of the Kings and queens tombs.

 - funeral temples.
 - nobles graves. 
 -The Tombs of "Deir El Medina".

program of the sound and light in the Temple of Karnak

program of the  sound and light in the Temple of Karnak,
this program is watched  through the remarkable display that narrates the  story of building this wonderful monument,  through the word ,light and music .this display is played twice a day the spectators watch this from the stands for this purpose and this program is presented by languages  English, french, Arabic and Germany.

the holy lake

the Holy Lake
It is situated outside the main hall where there is a large statue of (ghran) from the reign of King (Amenhotep III)  it was using in cooking.

Karnak Temple

Karnak Temple,
it's too hard to compare between any building over the world and  karnak temple .it was known as (i bot i bot) for  the ancient Egyptians  means the most respectable places .it has been  built with great  standards and the extent of this area amounted  a hundred feddan and its history  extends over three centuries ,He is also one of the greatest places of worship in the history, it  includes several  temples that are unique .it has the temple of the god (Amun) and his wife the goddess (maut) and son of God (Khonsu) The god of the moon .. And since the Arab conquest it was known as (Karnak),means the citadel or fort And the temple starts with( el kapash) way that represents the god (Amun),  you need to go there tho see the magic by yourself.

Monday, October 4, 2010

introduction (part 1)

is the greatest opened museum in the world, there is roughly no place where the impact of these monuments that fill the soul with awe ,wonder and magic that expresses the greatness of the ancient Egyptians and their terrific civilization.
luxor was named  "AST" during the modern state (1085 - 1567) in that time it was the capital of Egypt , then the name changed to (teba) . the Greeks poet named (Homeryos )  had described it as"the city of hundred Gate" . finally the Arab named it  ( Luxor) means the city of palaces because the large number of what they have seen From the amazing edifices and buildings.it still has temples, tombs and palaces which was built in limestone and granite to remain on the length of time a witness to the desire for timelessness and is surrounded by charming markets and hotels.

oon city

oon city

it's one of the most significant archeological sites of ancient Egyptians. it's known as Ain Shams or Heliopolis so it's one of the oldest capitals of the ancient world.
one of the most important archaeological landmarks is the first King Senusret's obelisk which is only monument  remaining from  the features of this city.

Dam area of Atonement

Dam area of Atonement,
And is situated in the Valley (Mararey) South Helwan Governorate.

Pyramid of Saqqara

the terrific Pyramid of Saqqara
Pyramid of Saqqara
in this area(Saqqara) built the first stony structure in the world  called  the Saqqara pyramid. King Zoser who built it in 2816 B.C.
 the pyramids of Saqqara,which include the pyramids of kings Tte, Unas,  Userkaf, graves of Mary and Rocca, Kakjti, Ptah Hotep,t Ne Ankh Khnum, Khnum Hotep, Nefer, Ptah Nefer haram, Aero Roca Ptah, Qar, Petah pyramid. Miho. Ankh Mahor, Navarre Hesm Ra and the tomb of sensory Add to Group Pyramids Abu Sir, Dahshur that are also considered  one of the most significant archeological sites in Egypt, which contains the most important archaeological treasures.where was found out more than archaeological discovery of gold in the pyramids and cemeteries, and most important of these pyramids, Bent Pyramid, known as the Pyramid yellow pyramid curve Senvero King, the Black Pyramid of King Amenemhat . the pyramid of King Senusret  began in this region to receive the World Tourism after preparing for that.

boats of the sun (part 2)

boats of the sun
the boat is a main cabin divided into two rooms:
-  a small room in the foreground.
-  a large  room (7 meters). 
- 36 columns are  surrounding the cabin in the wedge-shaped tent, but it is limited master very small fall in the prow.
- the composite has 10 oars  five  on each side.
-  perhaps has developed this compound to be at the disposal of the king in the afterlife.

boats of the sun (part 1)

boats of the sun
 boats of the sun,
Beside the pyramids There is a museum called boats of the sun,which were found hidden beside the pyramids and On one side pyramid (khufu).
it is made of cedar wood exogenous from the mountains of Lebanon. 
it was disassembled and placed very carefully.
it also was found ropes,oars of their own, its length is (5.43 meters), and a maximum width (9.5 meters), and depth (87.1 meters), and high forefront of a pack Brady (6 meters), and high tail (7 meters) and the composite consists of 1224 pieces of wooden the longest one is  (23 m), and the smallest one (10 cm ).

the great sphinx statue

the great sphinx statue
the sphinx statue,
the huge statue "Sphinx"  was carved by the king khafre and looks as follows:
- its body as a lion and face as human ,close to the pyramids.
- since  roughly 4500 year  in most of the time it was buried up to his neck in the sand, and that protected it  against the vicissitudes of time.
- its length is 48 meters. -
- Since its discovery in modern ages turned Sphinx prey to the wind,water and human  because the limestone that the statue was carved of it eroded by groundwater and the sandy wind.
- this Pharaonic statue subjected to several restoration operations.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

The pyramid of king Menkaure

The Pyramid of king Menkaure
The Pyramid of king Menkaure,
the pyramid was built by the king Menkaure son of the king khafre looks as follows:
- The length of each side of the ribs 5108 meters.
- originally its height is 5.66 meter.
- the inclination angle is 51 degrees.
- its entrance is on the north side amounted about four meters above ground level,and leads to a corridor Falling with length 31 meters. 
- angle of descent is simple,the roof of the granite and then find corridors lined with stones and lead to a horizontal corridor three barricades, and then get to the burial chamber.
- it was found the wooden coffin with his name and has reserved the British Museum mummy.
- he entitled his pyramid (the Bible).

The pyramid of king khafre(part 2)

the pyramid of king Khafre
the pyramid of king Khafre
he entitled his pyramid as the great.Khafre is considered the fourth King in the fourth family,he also married Princess (meras Ankh).the historian (Maniton) says that he had ruled  twenty-six years,he is also attributed to the second pyramid of Giza,which is lower than the pyramid (Khufu).originally its height was one hundred forty-three meters and a half, and currently is one hundred thirty - six  meters and a half.it was structured on an area amounted two hundred and fifteen square meter and a half.the pyramid has two entrances on the north side. he was found in the Valley Temple with Special  statues of stones called (shist), including a statue that's the most beautiful sculpture manufactured in Egypt.

The pyramid of king khafre(part 1)

 The pyramid of king khafre
 The pyramid of king khafre
It was built next to the south-west of his father Khufu and looks as follows:
- its height is 143.5 meters.
- the length of each side is 215.5 meters.
- and the inclination angle is  53.10.
it’s situated  on ground level, the entrance leads to  corridor downtrend. it has a roof of the granite and the angle of descent 22 degree. the pyramid ends at the barricade to enter the Horizontal corridor, then this ramp leads to the compartment called the wrong compartment burial,it’s empty and carved in the rock, it continues to barricade the corridor we find another rise to the top horizontal corridor ends burial chamber. in this room roof (Jamalone) constructed with limestone , almost is in the middle of the pyramid.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

The pyramid of king Khufu (part 4)

The greatest stony building
he has a single statue carved his name on throne, and the length of the statue five centimeters. now it is in the Egyptian Museum he ruled according to Papyrus (Turin) is around twenty-three years.he is credited with the Great Pyramid of Giza Pyramids that's the largest stony building in the world and was also entitled the (sister Khufu) means the horizon of Khufu......did you know how charming Pharaonic civilization is.

The pyramid of king Khufu (part3)

the greatest stony building
he is the second king of the Fourth Dynasty he also assumed the responsibility after the death of his father (Sinphro). Little is known about the important events during his reign, except that he had sent missions to the valley of the cave. there was found his name and image represented in  he airs on a person's head pin assassin in order  to  get turquoise.

The pyramid of king Khufu (part 2)

The greatest stony building

the shape of it as follows:
- base of the pyramid is square
- length of each side is 230 meters
- its height is 146 meters now for your consideration (137 meters)
- the angle degree of its construction is 5.51 degree
- the method of building is based on air pressure
- number of stones that used in the constructin around 2300000 block of stone and its    weighing in average is 5.2 ton.

The pyramid of king Khufu (part 1)

the greatest stony building
the pyramid of king Khufu (the biggest pyramid)
it is considered one of the seven wonders, it was built roughly in 2650 B.C .it's actually the greatest stony building in the world, belonged to the king Khufu(the fourth dynasty). it was built by the architect (ham one).

Friday, October 1, 2010

Gize (the archaeological sites in general)

1-the three pyramids

2-the sphinx statue
3-boats of the sun
4-Pyramid of Saqqara

         the archaeological sites of Giza consist of:
1-the three pyramids
a-The pyramid of King Khufu,the biggest one
b-The pyramid of King Khafre
c-Pyramid of Menkaure
2-the sphinx statue
3-boats of the sun
4-Pyramid of Saqqara
            we'll talk about them in details later.

basic introduction

Egypt at night
first of all, i want to mention that Egypt has too wonderful collection of monuments in most of its governorates, so in this article I'll show the most beautiful monuments and Archaeological sites in Egypt and I'm sure that you are going to have enjoyment and excitement during browse this the charming collection,hoping you can come Egypt and see it by yourself...important note, Egypt has not only charming Archaeological sites but also terrific coastal cities like Hurghada, Alexandria and Sharm El-Sheikh which whatever i describe,i can never depict how charming they are and if you wanna make sure of that you can surf the internet... pleasure to present that.