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Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Temple of "Abu Simbel" part 1

The Temple of "Abu Simbel"
is the world's greatest temple carved in the rock , is a remarkable thing in the ancient architecture and engineering. it was carved in a piece of rock on the western bank of the Nile in a place so charming .It is hard to depict why there are such huge buildings in a distant area in the country
thus there are  two explanations: either the hill of "Abu Simbel" sanctity, or that Pharaoh wanted to impress for his neighbors in an area near him his  strength and richness.
There are evidences that the origin of the theme in the construction of a temple "Abu Simbel" date back too "Seti 1"  and there is no doubt that a large part from inside it  had been carved before the "Ramses II" assume the throne,
the  prisoners of war who built the temple and finished their work before the year 1259 BC. and that was  devoted to the worship of "Ra hor ma khees," such as several temples in "Nubia". And this God had consolidated with the sun the purpose of the temple and place is the worship for the sun.one of The most significant features of the temple  the fourth huge statues of the king which were carved in the rock of the hill. , two on each side of the entrance rises more than 65 feet and represent King "Ramses" wearing the double crown of Egypt, and on every statue and between the legs, we find statues of Queen "Nefertari "so beautiful  so beautiful" and some royalist children.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

the temple of "abu simbel" part 2

The phenomenon of perpendicular rays of the sun on the temple of "Abu Simbel",
The most important feature of this temple that makes it distinct from the other temples of the ancient Egyptians entering the sun in the early morning to the "Holy of Holies" and access to the fourth statues, illuminate this deep place in the rock which is far from the entrance about sixty meters. In 1874 the explorer Miss "Amelia Eduarz" and her team in overseeing this phenomenon and recorded in her book published in 1899 titled (thousand miles above the Nile) to show towards all the word how precisely the ancient Egyptians were when they counted this process too exact "The phenomenon of perpendicular rays of the sun on the temple of Abu Simbel "
In 6:25 on 21 February or 5:55 on October 21, exactly a year the sun rays sneak softly over the face of King "Ramses\\" as if wants to embrace and kiss the king.

Citadel of Salah El Din (part 1 )

 Citadel of Salah El Din in Cairo
Citadel of Salah al-Din is situated in the district of "Castle" it has been built on one of the hills that's separate from the cliffs on the outskirts of the city of Cairo.
The Citadel of Salah El-Din in Cairo is considered one of the most luxurious castles was constructed in the Middle Ages its location  is  strategic on the first-class as it provided  the incredible defense, because it controls the cities of Cairo and "Fustat", in addition to that it is a highly natural fence between the two cities .the citadel  could provide connectivity between the castle and the city in a state of siege plus it will become the last home of the sit-in in the case if the city fell to the enemy.
many, many historical events passed on this city which saw historic events during different times "Ayyubid", "Mamalek" and the time of the French campaign on Egypt in the year 1798, reaching to "Muhammad Ali Pasha" who  ruled Egypt where he had restored  its prosperity and greatness.
"Salah el-Din"  was the first one who thought  of building a castle in 1176, where his  minister "Baha el Din" destroyed mosques and tombs, which were existing  in order to build the castle, there the workers carved the rocks

Mosque of Muhammad Ali Pasha

Mosque of Muhammad Ali Pasha
 is The most famous landmarks Citadel of "Salad El Den", it is narrated on "Muhammad Ali Pasha", after the completion of building palaces and schools, , built the Grand Mosque to pray and to be his grave where he buries after death, and began working at the mosque in 1830.
Work continued there until the death of "Muhammad Ali Pasha" in 1848 where he was buried "Abbas Pasha "completed its construction.
Unique mosque of "Mohamed Ali Pasha", lots of the features and technical architecture.

Monday, October 11, 2010

ما هي اكثر الاماكن التي يقصدها السياح في مص

الاهرامات وابو الهول بالجيزهمسجد السلطان حسنشرم الشيخالغردقهراس محمدمرسي مطروحالاقصر ((تحوى ثلث آثار العالم))اسوان((طبعا لا يكفيك اسبوع ولا اسبوعين لمشاهده كل آثار الأقصر اسوان))هرم سقاره في البدرشينالمتحف المصريخان الخليليالحسينالقريه الفرعونيهجزيره فيلهقصر المجوهراتالمتحف القبطيمتحف الشمع بحلوانقلعه قايتباي باسكندريهقصر محمد علىمتحف الأسكندرية القوميالمتحف اليوناني الرومانيمتحف المجوهرات الملكيةدار أوبرا الأسكندريةمتحف الفنون الجميلةمتحف محمود سعيد معهد الأحياء المائية بالأسكندريةمكتبة الإسكندريةالمسرح الرومانيمرسي علمدهبحفائر كوم الشقافةالجونهخليج نعمهالأزهر الشريفمسجد السيده زينبجامع بن طولوندير سانت كاترينجبل موسيعيون موسيعيون حلوانمسجد محمد علىمدينه القيصرمسجد بيبرس بالقاهره

Sunday, October 10, 2010

valley of the Kings and Queens tombs

valley of the Kings and Queens tombs:
they were carved inside the rocks based on command the kings and queens of the modern state to be safe from thieves .. It consists of several rooms and tunnels that reach the burial chamber,
The most important of these tombs.

  a- Tomb of Ramses III
  b- Tomb of Tutankhamun
  c-Tomb of Ramses VI
  d- Mcypr Amenhotep II
  e- Tomb of Seti I
  f- Tomb of Thutmose III
  g- Tomb of Horemheb
  the most important tombs of the valley of queens
   - tomb of queen (nefertari) wife of
Ramses II

Aswan City

Aswan City:
The city of Aswan is considered globally one of the most beautiful winter resorts and includes several historic monuments remarkably the temples of (Abu Simbel)and the two temples were built by (Ramses II) one of the most famous pharaohs of Egypt between 1223 B.C and 1290 A.D.
The two temples are the most important for (Nubia) The two temples of architectural wonders have been fully carved inside the mountain and were named as follows:
1- the grand (Abu Simbel) temple has been earmarked for the worship of the god (Ra) the sun god (Hor Acht) bright.
2-Temple of the Abu Simbel Subordinate:
it was Built by (Ramses II )to commemorate his beloved wife (Nefertari) and the  temple distinguishes with the beauty of his drawings, colors, and is called the Temple of the goddess of love music and beauty.